Justin Choi

Talent Advisor - Tech & digital
Talent Advisor - Tech & digital

Justin Choi

At work, I am like a programmed AI that keeps on searching and scheduling meetings with new candidates. I match their experience with the appropriate positions and help secure interviews from our clients. I'm motivated by the stories that my candidates tell me, the interesting insight from various industries, and the moment when we celebrate success with a big feast.

I enjoy working at nahc.io and one of the main reasons why I joined is because of the culture. We always have fun however how tough the market we are facing is. It is also important that everyone’s voice is heard and we are never a top-down company.

What are your values?

Hard work pays off but life is short. So, have more fun.

What are your top hobbies & interests?

Traveling, cafe hopping and video games - especially shooting games in the apocalypse genre.

How would you describe your personality?

Curious, love new ideas/ adventures, but sometimes have a strong decidophobia .

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?

The moment when my candidates tell me how excited they are looking forward to the new position. But even when landing a new job is not always the result, I love the stories and aspirations they shared along the process.

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?

The moment when my candidates tell me how excited they are looking forward to the new position. But even when landing a new job is not always the result, I love the stories and aspirations they shared along the process.

What are your top hobbies & interests?

Traveling, cafe hopping and video games - especially shooting games in the apocalypse genre.

How would you describe your personality?

Curious, love new ideas/ adventures, but sometimes have a strong decidophobia .

Give us a "fun fact" about yourself.

I can drive a car and fly a plane but I can't handle motorcycles. I smashed into 3 safety clones at full throttle during a motorcycle exam.

What are your values?

Hard work pays off but life is short. So, have more fun.

What are your top hobbies & interests?

Traveling, cafe hopping and video games - especially shooting games in the apocalypse genre.

How would you describe your personality?

Curious, love new ideas/ adventures, but sometimes have a strong decidophobia .

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?

The moment when my candidates tell me how excited they are looking forward to the new position. But even when landing a new job is not always the result, I love the stories and aspirations they shared along the process.

Give us a "fun fact" about yourself.

I can drive a car and fly a plane but I can't handle motorcycles. I smashed into 3 safety clones at full throttle during a motorcycle exam.