Charlotte Wong

Co-founder and Head of Client Engagement & Partnerships
Co-founder and Head of Client Engagement & Partnerships

Charlotte Wong

My background in hospitality taught me the art of recognising people’s needs and fulfilling them to the best of my abilities. Being a naturally curious person, I love learning new skills and trying out unique experience! I am driven by my clients' success stories and the satisfaction of taking part in fuelling their business growth. I'm motivated by the idea of making things happen as a team.

We started this company with the idea to reform some of the fundamental flaws in the recruitment industry, and to build the business with a group of likeminded individuals. I am most proud to be surrounded by a dream team who has supported me in this startup journey!

What are your values?

Integrity, honesty and authenticity.

What are your top hobbies & interests?

Cafe hopping and Traveling.

How would you describe your personality?

Warm, humorous, resourceful.

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?

I enjoy witnessing and being part of people’s growth and transformation.

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?

I enjoy witnessing and being part of people’s growth and transformation.

What are your top hobbies & interests?

Cafe hopping and Traveling.

How would you describe your personality?

Warm, humorous, resourceful.

Give us a "fun fact" about yourself.

I am a Certified Latin Dance Instructor and I am exploring other hobbies like Japanese Koto and Fencing!

What are your values?

Integrity, honesty and authenticity.

What are your top hobbies & interests?

Cafe hopping and Traveling.

How would you describe your personality?

Warm, humorous, resourceful.

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?

I enjoy witnessing and being part of people’s growth and transformation.

Give us a "fun fact" about yourself.

I am a Certified Latin Dance Instructor and I am exploring other hobbies like Japanese Koto and Fencing!